Best arthritis pain reliever that can help a lot

Best arthritis pain reliever
Rheumatoid arthritis hand image

Best arthritis pain reliever

In this article we are going to look at the best arthritis pain reliever, ways to relieve arthritis pain, not every treatment works the same for everybody but this guide will help you to see all the available treatments and you can make your mind up as to which treatment is the best arthritis pain reliever for you.

Arthritis pain affects as many as 54 million people in the USA alone, worldwide many millions have pain every day from this dreadfully debilitating condition, it is referred to as “the oldest crippling disease known to man” osteoarthritis is the most common form other forms are gout, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

The symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, joint swelling, joint ache, swelling and stiffness, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis may affect multiple organs causing a range of symptoms throughout the body.

Stiff achy joints

Osteoarthritis of the knee

If you have arthritis pain your joints will most likely be stiff and achy, often people will try supplements first instead of prescription medication, possibly because they have read about some unpleasant side effects or they prefer to try something “natural” Supplements are composed of enzymes, vitaminsminerals, animal extracts and herbs, they can be used in conjunction with your diet and medication.

Of course, there are other methods to help you cope with arthritis pain like Topical medications, The right shoes, Hyaluronic acid injection, steroid injection, Deep brain stimulation, Peripheral nerve stimulation, Exercise therapy, Acupuncture, Meditation, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) hot and cold treatments.

With so many choices available it is important to get the most up to date information on arthritis treatments so you can make an informed decision on which is the best arthritis pain reliever for you.

Supplements for arthritis

Let’s look at supplements and science for arthritis pain relief

Supplements have been used for thousands of years to give relief for aches and pains many of them have been proven to work, some doctors have recommended them for mild arthritis symptoms and for those on mild RA & OA medication to help lower the dose.

Studies have shown that this approach may work for some people so it’s no wonder that people are willing to try supplements for arthritis pain relief.

No magic cure for arthritis

Universally its agreed that there is no ” magic cure” for arthritis sufferers, the more studies that have been done the more the evidence is growing that natural remedies ranging from Turmeric to Omega 3 fish oils can help to reduce arthritic pain even more so when user with prescription medication or other treatments.

Omega 3 fatty acids present in certain fish like salmon and mackerel have been shown in studies to reduce inflammation in people with RA with minimal side effects.

The research also showed that by incorporating a fish oil supplement with medication the patients were able to reduce their medication dosage.

Doctors’ advice

If you are considering adding a supplement  to your daily arthritis medication or other treatments, please get the product details including the ingredients take them to your doctor or pharmacy for advice on any possible side effects.

What are the best supplements for arthritis based on science?

Rose hip

1.Rose hip

Rose hip comes from the rose flower it us the round bit just below the petals, it contains rose seeds, the rose hip is dried then added to the seeds to make a medicine. Fresh rose hip has lots of vitamins C so good for many ailments.

Rose hip has anti-inflammatory properties, 3 studies of moderate quality have found clinical evidence to support the claim that Rose hip can have a significant effect on arthritic pain without any major side effects.

2.Ginger powder for inflammation and joint pain

Yet another old remedy ginger has been used by many Asian and Indian countries to help with arthritis joint pain, the claims are there but there isn’t enough science behind the claims.

That’s not to say there isn’t any science behind the claims that ginger a study in 2008 did prove that ginger acted as an anti-inflammatory, ginger may increase bleeding, not advisable for those on blood thinning medications.

3.Can green tea help arthritis in the joints?

Green tea contains phytochemicals a lab study on rats showed that the phytonutrients could reduce the risk of heart disease, but could it help with arthritis stiffness and pain?

The answer is we can’t be sure but early research is promising green tea is good for you but to get any health benefits 4-6 cups a day is recommended.


Holland and Barrett Pycnogenol

At least three studies have shown that the supplement which is made up of a maritime pine extract containing plant polyphenols have shown that it had a meaningful impact on arthritic pain without any serious side effects.

5.Devil’s Claw


Again, more research is needed but Devil’s Claw a traditional South African herbal medicine user for inflammation and joint pain has shown in one scientific study to work just as well as painkillers such as naproxen and ibuprofen.

The participants on the study were given 60 mg of the supplement more than half said they felt an improvement in their arthritis symptoms.

6.Omega 3 fish oil supplement for health joints

Based on several studies it has been established that omega 3 fatty acids fish oil supplements play a vital role in the maintenance of healthy cells in the body, this includes the joints. Omega 3 fatty acids help with chemical production to keep inflammation under control in the joints, tissues and bloodstream.

Many studies have shown that fish oil supplements are beneficial for joint stiffness and pain especially in the morning. When buying fish oil supplements look for ones that contain DHA and EPA.

7. Serrapeptase a natural enzyme SerraEnzyme

Serrapeptase is a natural enzyme derived from the silkworm, Serrapeptase has been used for many hundreds of years to help with swelling inflammation and pain.

There are more scientific studies that show it is a good anti-inflammatory with healing properties. Serrapeptase works by going straight to the swelling it digests protein and heals, it is a very promising addition to medication, there are few reported side effects

8.Bromelain a natural anti-inflammatory enzyme

Bromelain is a natural enzyme it comes from the pineapple plant it is thought to decrease joint pain and swelling in people with arthritis.

 In one study of people with knee osteoarthritis an enzyme combination was used the participants reported positive clinical effects, to be effective and safe at reducing the swelling and pain.

If you have an allergy check that the ingredients in bromelain don’t cause a reaction.

Click here for ProHealth Arthritis Products

Health Statistics

Nearly 73 million USA residents suffer from chronic pain, more than 50% of those have a type of arthritis or a related health condition, but what is the best arthritis pain reliever?

We have looked at supplements to relieve arthritis swelling, pain and joint stiffness but what other treatments are there?

Alternative arthritis pain treatments.

Flat flexible shoes

1.Wear the correct shoes

What are the best shoes to wear if you have osteoarthritis? according to some research carried out in Rush medical college, Chicago in 2010 it was found that flat flexible shoes such as sneaker flip flops reduce the pressure on knees by 11-15 percent when compared to waking shoes and clogs, consider flat, flexible closer shoes with an arch support.

2. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

This method of pain relief works by sending an electrical current to where the pain is most extreme through a portable pocket-sized gadget, it is known as TENS, it works by carrying the electrical current through C FIBRES (where the pain is) and other bigger fibres.

This process helps to stimulate the nervous system, it is thought that it also stimulates the brain releasing good endorphins that help with pain relief.

According to the medical people it works well in treating any type of pain. Not to be used if you have an infection, open wound or are wearing a pacemaker.

3. Physical Therapy/ Exercise

A physical therapist will design a physical therapy treatment using specific exercises that are designed to improve your strength. posture, function, range of motion and most important to decrease your pain.

Physical therapy/ exercise is also good for your mental wellbeing. The treatment would normally involve visiting the physio twice a week for up to twelve weeks, you may be asked to complete these exercises 2-3 times per week for 30-40 minutes each session.

Exercise is good for warming up your body and gets the blood flowing, it helps with arthritis, just don’t do too much high impact exercise may make your joints worse.

4.Deep brain stimulation

This procedure involves sending an electrical impulse to the brain cells to reduce the symptoms of arthritis, not recommended for Dementia patients as it may exacerbate thinking and memory problems.

It may work for arthritic pain but isn’t recommended for fibromyalgia. The most injections in any given year is 3-4 because it may cause scar tissue leading to more pain.

5. Hyaluronic acid injection

A Hyaluronic acid injection is composed of hyaluronic acid (a part of natural cartilage) the injection helps with overall health and nutrition of the cartilage.

The procedure means one injection per week for 3-5 weeks depending on the type of hyaluronic acid being used, it seems to work well for pain relief but can only be used for damaged knee joints.

The risk of an allergic reaction is minimal.

6. Corticosteroid  injection

A steroid injection or Corticosteroids namely cortisone, prednisone and hydrocortisone are all versions (synthetic) of the hormone cortisol known to reduce inflammation.

Cortisone injections are injected directly into the affected joint to calm the inflammation, these injections work very well for anyone with pain caused by inflammation, the effects last for days, weeks or months.

It can be given 2-3 times per year; the risk of infection is minimal.

7.Peripheral nerve stimulation

A peripheral nerve stimulator is first tried on a weeks trial basis whereby the physician inserts a trial electrode along a peripheral nerve just under the skin, electrical signals are sent to the nerve from a small generator, after a week if the person finds relief the electrode and generator are placed there permanently.

It’s a low risk operation with possible nerve injury.

8.Nerve blocks

Nerve blocks are a mixture of local anaesthetic and a steroid; the injection is inserted into a nerve they are used to block off pain and help the physician determine where the pain is coming from. The risks are

  • Wrong nerve being chosen
  • Risk of infection and bleeding
Rhuematoid arthritis Acupincture

9. Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used for centuries by the Chinese, needles are placed along meridians in your body releasing trapped energy, endorphins are also released these are natural pain killers, blood flow may increase.

Works well for all types of pain, if taking blood thinners be careful may cause bleeding or infection, not recommended if on chemotherapy.

10.Hot/ Cold treatments

Swelling of the joints can cause slower blood flow, heat patches, warm compressors, warm baths, can increase the blood flow and relax the muscles.

Cold treatment has the opposite effect in the sense that it reduces inflammation and swelling by constricting your blood vessels. No risk involved.


Studies into supplements

1.Rose hip study

2. Ginger powder studies

3.Green tea


5.Devil’s claw

6.Omega 3 fish oil supplements



8. Bromelian


  1. Bill022

    hello Fintan 

    I’ve been searching for the site about arthritis, one of my best friends have been suffered from arthritis pain for long time, he try lots of methods like exercise to improve the body posture and increase more strength of muscle to relieve the problem, and start to change the diet to get more nutrition that body need, it’s getting better now, but i think he must have a read at this article, there’s more treatments we never though of before, and the doctors’ advice are really helpful, thanks a lots.

  2. Ayako

    This site was very useful with full of relevant information. I found some of the sentences long, and I would suggest to use “.” rather than “,” to shorten some of the sentences and create more paragraphs. This would make it easier for the readers’ eyes. Otherwise, a great website! 

  3. Emmanuel Buysse

    This is a post for my sister. She is suffering since she was 20 from this, because she has to work in cold environments and of course that is not good. I’m going to show this to her, and I hope this can help her. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us, om going to tell you later if this works for her. 

    • fintan duggan

      Thanks Emmanuel, sorry to hear your sister has arthritis she sounds quite young to have it, I hope the article is of some help


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