My testimonial about what Serrapeptase did for me

My name is Fintan, I work in healthcare, this is my story about bursitis of the hip and high cholesterol and how I managed to get rid of both conditions, hope you find this article of interest. This is my testimonial about what Serrapeptase did for me.

You can always contact me in the form at the top if you have any health or natural product questions. I want to let you know what Serrapeptase did for me.

Sometime around April 2017, I was diagnosed with Hip Bursitis (Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa). There are two major bursae in the hip that typically become irritated and inflamed.

One bursa covers the bony point of the hip bone called the greater trochanter. Inflammation of this bursa is called trochanteric bursitis.

I complained to my Doctor that I had hip pain for about 36 months, the hip pain was affecting my life, and I could not stand in one place for very long because the hip & leg pain was so bad.

I found it difficult to sleep because of the pain, I tried taking over-the-counter painkillers with limited effect. On top of the Bursitis I had high cholesterol (I almost died from a heart attack in 2000)the doctor had prescribed statin drugs for me.

I don’t like taking drugs because of the side effects, but I always felt there had to be another alternative way to reduce my cholesterol.

In May 2017 I started taking Serrapeptase (250,000 is-the strongest doses) for the hip bursitis swelling and pain, in September 2017 the swelling and pain has gone completely!

I didn’t expect this but my blood tests have shown a reduction in my cholesterol from 6.8 in 2017 to 4.5 in 2018 and the bad cholesterol (triglycerides) down from 3.24 to 1.77. a reduction of 50%.

If you would like to try Serrapeptase for your hip bursitis or to lower your cholesterol CLICK HERE

In 2000 I had a massive heart attack, and I was lucky to survive.

I have been taking an L-Arginine supplement for over five years before taking Serrapeptase, the product known as Proargi 9 plus has completely removed all the plaque from my arterial system.

This year I visited my Cardiologist, he wanted to do an angiogram to see if there was any plaque in my arterial system, the results were better than I expected, and the Cardiologist commented ” your results are very encouraging, there is no plaque in your arterial system apart from a little bit around the stent that was inserted after my heart attack”.

The pain in my hip has gone completely. Thank you Proargi 9 plus and Serrapeptase! If you have high cholesterol, a history of heart disease, or plaque buildup in your arteries why not try Proargi 9 plus? It works!


My testimonial about what Serrapeptase did for me

My testimonial about what Serrapeptase did for me






















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My name is Fintan, I work in healthcare.
I believe in letting nature take care of us especially when it comes to our health.
In this short video I’m going to talk about the best Serrapeptase supplement.
Are you thinking of taking a Serrapeptase supplement to help with a health condition that you have, and you want to know what is the best Serrapeptase supplement?
Speaking of Serrapeptase side effects I can only report from my own experience that I didn’t suffer any side effects;
I still take three Serrapeptase tablet (250,000 IU) each day on an empty stomach with a glass of water.
I take Serrapeptase for a condition known as hip bursitis, I used to get a lot of pain in my left hip and down my leg.
 Thankfully I don’t have any more pain because of Serrapeptase.
I can help you because I have personal experience of the health benefits of taking Serrapeptase over a long period of time, to be honest the benefits far outweigh any side effects.
It is known as Serratiopeptidase and Serrapeptase, the beauty of of Serrapeptase is that because it is a proteolytic enzyme it can break down body proteins into smaller pieces known as amino acids.
Serrapeptase is made in the digestive tract of the humble silkworm, inside the moth the silkworm digests the cocoon surrounding it.
Serrapeptase dissolves dead cells without causing any harm to living tissues.
Serrapeptase is a natural anti-inflammatory, it works for pain relief, swelling and tissue healing.
Serrapeptase has many health benefits including:
May help with inflammation
May help with pain
May help with swelling
May help with healing
May help with cardiovascular disease
May help with bursitis
May help with blocked fallopian tubes
May help with carpal tunnel syndrome
Please be careful when purchasing Serrapeptase, always buy from a reliable source and most important make sure that the Serrapeptase that you buy is enteric coated.
An enteric coating on the supplement means that it stops your stomach acid from dissolving it as it passes through and allows the full benefit to be released into the intestine where it can be most effective. 
Serrapeptase comes in various dosages ranging from 10 mg right up to 60 mg each day. In my case I take 3x250,000 IU Serrapeptase daily which equates to 75 MG
It is true that when Serrapeptase was taken by some people they did have some minor side effects, the ones that I have seen reported include: 
 Stomach cramps
 Muscle pain 
 Skin reaction  
Having said that Serrapeptase has been used in clinical settings for more than 30 years with great success, however results may vary depending on each person’s metabolism, health condition and general health. 
Serrapeptase is an enzyme and it's activity is measured in units, for example 10 mg is equal to 20,000 units of activity.
Serrapeptase should be taken on an empty stomach, I suggest that it should be taken first thing in the morning, after lunch and just before bedtime.
Don't eat food for one hour afterwards, it takes time to work!
People who are taking prescribed medication to thin the blood such as warfarin or aspirin should not take Serrapeptase as it may cause clotting to be affected.
Pregnant women should not take Serrapeptase because we just don’t know enough about this enzyme, it is better to be safe than sorry. 
Serrapeptase is a wonderful enzyme that is helping many people with common health conditions like cardiovascular disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, blocked fallopian tubes, COPD and others.
You need a Serrapeptase brand that you can trust, that is enteric coated, that will deliver the results that you want, that is good value for money, that has positive customer testimonials.
I would like to recommend the Original and Best Serrapeptase Enzyme from the Good Health Naturally people because it is the one that I myself and my wife use and have been using for more than 4 years.
It is enteric coated quality Serrapeptase, it has been successfully used by doctors around the world, it is safe to take even with medication.
Results have been very satisfactory for both myself and my wife.
Please visit my website for more information on the best Serrapeptase.

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My name is Fintan, I work in healthcare.
I believe in letting nature take care of us especially when it comes to our health.
In this short video I’m going to talk about the best Serrapeptase supplement.
Are you thinking of taking a Serrapeptase supplement to help with a health condition that you have, and you want to know what is the best Serrapeptase supplement?
Speaking of Serrapeptase side effects I can only report from my own experience that I didn’t suffer any side effects;
I still take three Serrapeptase tablet (250,000 IU) each day on an empty stomach with a glass of water.
I take Serrapeptase for a condition known as hip bursitis, I used to get a lot of pain in my left hip and down my leg.
Thankfully I don’t have any more pain because of Serrapeptase.
I can help you because I have personal experience of the health benefits of taking Serrapeptase over a long period of time, to be honest the benefits far outweigh any side effects.
It is known as Serratiopeptidase and Serrapeptase, the beauty of of Serrapeptase is that because it is a proteolytic enzyme it can break down body proteins into smaller pieces known as amino acids.
Serrapeptase is made in the digestive tract of the humble silkworm, inside the moth the silkworm digests the cocoon surrounding it.
Serrapeptase dissolves dead cells without causing any harm to living tissues.
Serrapeptase is a natural anti-inflammatory, it works for pain relief, swelling and tissue healing.
Serrapeptase has many health benefits including:
May help with inflammation
May help with pain
May help with swelling
May help with healing
May help with cardiovascular disease
May help with bursitis
May help with blocked fallopian tubes
May help with carpal tunnel syndrome
Please be careful when purchasing Serrapeptase, always buy from a reliable source and most important make sure that the Serrapeptase that you buy is enteric coated.
An enteric coating on the supplement means that it stops your stomach acid from dissolving it as it passes through and allows the full benefit to be released into the intestine where it can be most effective.
Serrapeptase comes in various dosages ranging from 10 mg right up to 60 mg each day. In my case I take 3x250,000 IU Serrapeptase daily which equates to 75 MG
It is true that when Serrapeptase was taken by some people they did have some minor side effects, the ones that I have seen reported include: 
 Stomach cramps
 Muscle pain 
 Skin reaction  
Having said that Serrapeptase has been used in clinical settings for more than 30 years with great success, however results may vary depending on each person’s metabolism, health condition and general health. 
Serrapeptase is an enzyme and it's activity is measured in units, for example 10 mg is equal to 20,000 units of activity.
Serrapeptase should be taken on an empty stomach, I suggest that it should be taken first thing in the morning, after lunch and just before bedtime.
Don't eat food for one hour afterwards, it takes time to work!
People who are taking prescribed medication to thin the blood such as warfarin or aspirin should not take Serrapeptase as it may cause clotting to be affected.
Pregnant women should not take Serrapeptase because we just don’t know enough about this enzyme, it is better to be safe than sorry. 
Serrapeptase is a wonderful enzyme that is helping many people with common health conditions like cardiovascular disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, blocked fallopian tubes, COPD and others.
You need a Serrapeptase brand that you can trust, that is enteric coated, that will deliver the results that you want, that is good value for money, that has positive customer testimonials.
I would like to recommend the Original and Best Serrapeptase Enzyme from the Good Health Naturally people because it is the one that I myself and my wife use and have been using for more than 4 years.
It is enteric coated quality Serrapeptase, it has been successfully used by doctors around the world, it is safe to take even with medication.
Results have been very satisfactory for both myself and my wife.
Please visit my website for more information on the best Serrapeptase.

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YouTube Video n0FCO2qqggA

Listen to my Serrapeptase Story

Lower Cholesterol Serrapeptase February 7, 2020 3:12 pm

Be sure to read some of my best articles, like:

What dissolves plaque from arteries?

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits

Dissolve internal scar tissue naturally

Symptoms of angina in women

DIM supplements for men


  1. Paul K

    Also take a look at g-strophanthin for chronic heart conditions. A majority of heart attacks are probably due to excessive metabolic acidosis of the left ventricular. High acid buildup in the left side of the heart, a chain reaction can take place and locks the heart up. has a good explanation. Adding hawthorn extract and cayenne pepper powder to a treatment of serrapeptase is a great idea. Serrapeptase cleaned my arteries out.

  2. e

    cool article . question to ask is why did you get the problem. answer appears to be in your labs. liver issue with the high “alt.” fatty liver can cause that. why? our foods likely. changing to all organic, dropping omega6 oils is part solution. ucsf liver clinic dr recommended 800 iu vit E a day. And you likely need to detox from glyphosate. dont quit yet, u have a ways to go.

  3. martin

    info where helpfull keap up t5he good work

  4. I am so glad that I found your article! The owner of the business that I work at was just in the hospital for clogged arteries. I will have to tell him about Serrapeptase. I will be bookmarking your site! Thank you for the info!

    • Hi Colleen,
      Blocked arteries are the main cause of a heart attack which so many people actually die from.I was so close myself to dying from blocked arteries, by simply taking Blockbuster or ProArgi 9 Plus Citrus Single Serving Packets Heart Disease by Proargi 9 a person can give their arteries a chance to dissolve arterial plaque, relax blood vessels and improve blood flow.For a more detailed answer to removing arterial plaque please visit
      Thanks for visiting.

  5. I didn’t know about Serrapeptase at all! It seems a miraculous cure. I have to tell my father about this, because he had an heart attack last year and he’s fighting against cholesterol too. Thanks for telling about it, I’ll spread the voice about Serrapeptase ^_^

    • Hi Arianna,
      Thanks for visiting,sorry to hear that your Dad had a heart attack, luckily he survived it.It’s all too common these days people usually don’t even know that it is going to happen,plaque build up and cholesterol are the main causes,if only more people would take the time to find out how to protect their hearts they could save themselves from it happening by taking Serrapeptase.

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