Natural remedy for a sinus infection that actually work

"<yoastmarkI can sincerely recommend Serrapeptase as a natural remedy for a sinus infection because more and more people are reporting effective results from the symptoms of sinusitis when taking Serrapeptase.

A sinus infection can occur when the nasal passages become swollen and blocked as a result of inflammation. Inflammation can be treated however many people are tired of going to the pharmacy to buy antibiotics anti histamines or prescription pain killers.

So for those of you that are looking for a natural remedy for a sinus infection then you have come to the right place.

Is a bad cold a sinus infection?

People sometimes think that a bad cold is a sinus infectionunderstandably many of the symptoms are the same, runny nose, congestion, headache or facial pain.

However, and it’s not the same as a cold because the symptoms of a sinus infection may be may have originated from a bacterial infection. Very often a sinus infection is treated by taking antibiotics, so if you have a sinus infection you need to see a healthcare practitioner for a diagnosis because if a sinus infection is diagnosed and treated early you can avoid further complications.

What is Sinus or Sinusitis?

It happens when your sinuses become inflamed, caused by a (germ) bacterial infection. On occasions a sinus infection can also be caused by a virus or fungi. When your immune system is low you are more open to developing a bacterial or fungal type sinus infection.

A condition known as allergic fungal sinus infection is connected to people who have allergies and can last anywhere between three and eight weeks.

If a sinus infection lasts for more than 8 weeks it would be classed as chronic sinusitis, chronic sinusitis can make your life miserable, the use of antihistamines is the common option, but what if there was a natural remedy for a sinus infection that works? 

What are Sinuses?

Your sinuses are air filled cavities, they are found behind the forehead, either side of the nose bridge, behind the nose and straight in front of the brain, sinuses are also found inside the bony structure of the cheeks.

Your sinuses are series of hollow cavities connected together in your skull. They are about one inch in diameter but some are a bit smaller,

The maxillary sinus (largest) is found in your cheekbone.

Frontal sinuses are located in the low centre of your forehead .

The ethmoid sinuses are between your eyes

The sphenoid sinuses are located behind your nose.

All of your sinuses have a soft pink tissue known as  mucosa, sinuses are normally empty apart from a thin mucus layer.

Inside your nose are turbines or ridges, these are designed to humidity and filter air, the nose is divided by a thin layer called a septum, most fluid in the nose drains into a the middle meatus a tiny channel (drainage pathway)

Normal Sinuses

Inside a normal sinus there is a thin mucus layer, its function is to trap germs, dust and other particles, small hair like sweepers within the sinuses carry the mucus along with everything else towards the openings that go to the back of your throat, from the throat it is taken to the stomach.

A sinus infection

A sinus infection can sometimes spread to the brain; if it isn’t treated it can become life threatening. The normal mucus flow to the back of the throat is affected by the sinus infection because the sweepers are blocked as the nasal tissues begin to swell, the mucus becomes trapped.

Conditions that contribute to a sinus infection

  • Nasal polyps
  • Deformed partition between nasal passages
  • Narrow sinus openings
symptoms Sinusitis image

Common sinus infections symptoms

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Coughing
  • Nose drip (discoloured green)
  • Nasal congestion or stiffness
  • Tenderness
  • Teeth pain
  • Headaches (Frontal)
  • Bad breath
  • Blocked nose
  • Redness
rhinitis image


Rhinitis can be confused with a Sinus infection, it is a medical term to explain the symptoms that come with a nasal inflammation, the main difference is that Rhinitis only affects the nasal passage and is caused by an allergy or cold.

Long lasting or seasonal rhinitis phases are associated with allergies, the sinus and nasal passage can become swollen, inflamed and congested because of particles from pollen, molds, dust mites that are inhaled.

People with asthma can have chronic sinus infection, this may not be caused by infection, a diagnosis by a healthcare professional is recommended or visit a natural medicine practitioner to learn more about a natural remedy for sinusitis.

Sinus infection symptoms treatment

The most common treatment for a sinus infection is the use of antibiotics, treatment usually takes anywhere from three to twenty eight days depending on the type of infection.

Nasal sprays can work in about three to four days, antihistamines can help to block the inflammation, and prescription nasal sprays reverse swelling and inflammation.

Long term sinus infection natural remedy

When your sinuses keep flaring up year after year and you keep trying the traditional medicines from your doctor or pharmacist but it keep coming back would you be interested in a long term sinus infection natural treatment?

Serrapeptase can dissolve the mucus build up in your sinuses and nasal passage naturally, as an alternative natural remedy for a sinus infection Serrapeptase is worth a try.

Allergies and Sinusitis gone

“I discovered Serrapeptase in my search for a natural anti-inflammatory too help my allergies. I developed chronic sinusitis due to exposure to chlorine, which I learned I am allergic to. In addition, I also have a growing allergy to wood smoke (I heat with wood).

Within about two weeks– or I would say maybe sooner– of taking Serrapeptase, I noticed a big difference. My sinuses were draining, in large part to my mucous being thinner, I think.

It has made all the difference and my nasal passages are not dry in the winter like they used to be.

I started with two capsules three times a day and now take only two in the morning and two before bedtime.

Tried to stop taking Serrapeptase to see what happens, and the stuffiness returns within days, and leaves once I’m back on Serrapeptase!

I recommend this to my clients, but unfortunately, folks seem reluctant to try something that is not a drug! Strange! Without health insurance, I pay close attention to what will naturally help my body to heal and stay healthy. Serrapeptase just feels like a wonderful thing to give my body! Thank you Serrapeptase!”

Recommended Serrapeptase supplements for a sinus infection Natural remedy for dinus infection Serrapeptase for sinusitis

– C.F., USA

 “Sinuses and nose feel completely clear!”

“Hi Fintan

Hope all’s well and thanks for your help so far. You’ve been far more help than even my ENT consultant/surgeon so far to be honest. ???? Well here I am 2 weeks in and report as follows:-

Sinuses and nose feel completely clear almost as if there was never anything wrong with them. I’ve lost a good half stone in body fat or thereabouts, my smell and taste are back to normal too it feels great!”

-Matt S.


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