If you are looking at supplements for blood pressure that work the doctors at Advanced Bionutritionals have a natural herbal supplement that works to bring blood pressure down naturally.
High blood pressure is a serious long-term condition, according to the World Health Organization high blood pressure is responsible for over 7.5 million deaths worldwide each year.
Because of the side effects of prescribed blood pressure medication many people want to find out what are the best natural supplements for blood pressure that work.
In this article I will do a high blood pressure supplement review and show you the best supplements for blood pressure that work get blood pressure levels under control naturally.
Why does high blood pressure happen?
Blood pressure occurs when blood pushes against the blood vessel wall, blood pressure is measured in mm Hg or millimetres of mercury. If you have high blood pressure it implies that the pressure inside your arteries is above the normal range of 120 over 80.
High blood pressure also known as Hypertension occurs when the blood pressure in the arteries is constantly elevated, when high blood pressure is a long term condition it is often a major risk factor in the development of heart failure.
Other conditions that hypertension affects are peripheral vascular disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, atrial fibrillation, dementia, chronic kidney disease and vision loss.
Study after study has shown that elevated blood pressure levels are related to an increased risk to stroke and CHD (coronary heart disease), you may be unhappy with prescription medications for hypertension and want to know more about supplements for blood pressure that work, continue reading.
Symptoms of high blood pressure
The strange thing is that there may be no signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, this makes elevated blood pressure levels very dangerous, so it is important to get your blood pressure checked by your doctor on a regular basis.
More than 50% of Americans have high blood pressure and they don’t even know it. Having said that if you have extremely high blood pressure you will have symptoms like headache, chest pain, tiredness, blurring vision and others.
High blood pressure can be treated with blood pressure medication or alternatively with the use of natural herbal supplements for blood pressure, blood pressure medications aren’t perfect, they do have side effects.
Natural supplements for blood pressure that work are generally safe to take and free of side effects.
Side effects of blood pressure medications
There are a large amount of blood pressure medications on prescription, these are the classes of blood pressure medications and possible noted side effects:
Possible Noted side effects:
1.Decrease of mineral potassium in the body
2.Tiredness, leg cramps & weakness
3.For diabetics- increased blood sugar levels
4.Attacks of gout after prolonged use.
Possible noted side effects
1.Asthma symptoms
2.Cold hands or feet
3.Slow heartbeat
5.Sleep issues
ACE inhibitors
Possible noted side effects
1.Loss of taste
2.Kidney damage in rare cases
3.Chronic dry cough
4.Skin rash
Angiotensin II receptor blockers
Possible noted side effects
2.Not to be taken if pregnant, this pill works on the renin-angiotensin system and may damage the fetus.
Calcium channel blockers
Possible noted side effects
1.Swollen ankles
4.Heart palpitations
Alpha blockers
Possible noted side effects
2.Faster heart rate
3.Blood pressure reduction when standing up
Alpha-2 Receptor Agonists
Possible noted side effects
1.Methyldopa is the most prescribed, known to cause drowsiness or dizziness
Combined alpha and beta-blockers
Possible noted side effects
When standing up it may cause a drop-in blood pressure
Central agonists
Possible noted side effects
Some brands may cause a drop in blood pressure when a person is standing up or severe dryness, or constipation.
Peripheral adrenergic inhibitors
Possible noted side effects depending on the brand such as
1.Nasal stuffiness
2.Heartburn or diarrhea
3.Reduction in blood pressure if standing
Possible noted side effects
2.Swollen eyes
3.Joint pains or aches
4.Heart palpitations
5 Fluid retention
6.Excessive hair growth
If you are considering supplements for blood pressure that work, you should always consult your doctor when trying any supplements for blood pressure in conjunction with prescribed medication.
Blood pressure supplements
Blood pressure supplements differ from prescribed medications in that most of them are not approved by the Federal Drug Administration, so does this mean that blood pressure supplements are not safe to be taken with prescription drugs.?
Blood pressure supplements claim to help with conditions such as high blood pressure, but are there supplements for blood pressure that work and what are users of blood pressure supplements saying about the results?
Try supplements for blood pressure
Whether you should try blood pressure or not is completely up to you, keep yourself informed as to the pros and cons of supplements for blood pressure that work by reading my review of two top selling supplements for blood pressure, VitaPost Blood Pressure Support and Advanced Bionutritionals Advanced Blood Pressure Formula.
VitaPost Blood Pressure Support
What I like about VitaPost Blood Pressure Support is the fact that the company behind the product VitaPost believe that their natural product supports heart and cardiovascular health by nourishing the body with missing nutrients.
They source all of their herbs from the same tried and trusted farms that go into making Blood Pressure Support a top selling supplement for blood pressure that work.
Who are the company behind Blood Pressure Support?
The company behind Blood Pressure Support Vita Balance are a leading natural health company with a large range of more than 35 brands that range from heart health supplements to hair oils.
Vita Balance produce natural products based on science because they are passionate about helping people to get better health through the use of herbs and minerals that improve health and wellbeing.
The company was established over 10 years ago, its offices are in Richmond, Virginia, USA, Vita Balance believe that mother nature knows best.
They have natural products to improve health because they focus on the patient by treating the cause of the disease, not just symptoms associated with it.
Vita Balance use only 100% natural ingredients and herbs all of their products have the coveted NPN number, that means a the product has been passed by GMP as being safe to take, effective and of the highest quality.
So, you can be rest assured that Blood Pressure Support support are safe, effective supplements for blood pressure that work.
All of the products in the CLE Holistic Health range come with a doctor’s letter confirming the safety and efficacy of the product, you can also read the results of customers that have had success with the product.
Ingredients in Blood Pressure Support?
All of the herbs in Blood Pressure Support are sourced by the company and they include:
- Hawthorn extract blend
- Hibiscus flower extract
- Garlic seed extract
- Niacin
- Olive leaf
- Vitamin c
- Vitamin B6 and B12
What is the recommended dosage
Recommended Dosage: one capsules, three times daily
How long does it take to work?
Most customers report that Blood Pressure Support works within the first 2-4 weeks.
Customer testimonials
No side effects – Lynette Warwick
Yes, I would recommend this product
Happy – B
Yes, I would recommend this product
How much does it cost?
Considering the quality of this natural product, I don’t think that it is expensive, I believe it costs around $2 a day at the special offer price, to find out more go here.
Money back guarantee
90 day money back guarantee
To learn more on VitaPost supplements for blood pressure that work go to the official website here.
FDA regulations
In the USA the FDA health authorities are extremely strict on formulas, testing and marketing of supplements, so strict that the product must be strongly focused on the customers needs, quality must be 100% and communication about the product must be balanced and backed up by data.
VitaPost Health products
I believe that VitaPost health products have tested and proven that their Blood Pressure Support supplement is one of the best supplements for blood pressure that work, to give Blood Pressure Support a try go straight to official website here.
Advanced Bionutritionals blood pressure formula
Advanced Bionutritionals are a long established natural healthcare company, the company was set up over 30 years ago to provide the best natural supplements for a range of conditions that included high blood pressure.
Their Advanced blood pressure formula comes highly recommend as one of the best supplements for blood pressure that work because it is endorsed by Dr Janet Zand a well respected naturopathic doctor for many years.
Advanced Blood Pressure formula a perfect supplement for blood pressure because its formula includes a mixture of Western and Eastern medicine that combine to lower high blood pressure within the first few days.
Advanced blood pressure formula is sourced from the very best natural ingredients, I consider it to be an effective supplement for blood pressure that works for both men and women.
Because Advanced Blood Pressure formula is 100% there are no side effects unlike the ones that prescription medications can give, here are some customer testimonials.
Customer testimonials
Awesome *
I’m on my way to be happy….. My blood pressure has been lowered and I feel like a new man. You can’t beat this formula for blood pressure
This supplement helped me control my out of control blood pressure *
The supplements which I was using were no longer controlling my blood pressure. I purchased Advance Blood Pressure Formula, knowing that I could get my money back if this did not work. Within 2 days, my blood pressure was down. I saw 120/80 and could not believe it! This really works
I stumbled upon this article while looking for blood pressure info for my friend. She’s been on two different prescription meds from her doc which both gave her side effects. Very useful information here by giving various products to compare. The Doctor’s Best product looks good to me and I use this brand of supplements myself, I love their high absorption magnesium. However, I’ll pass this article to my friend, I’m sure she’ll find it useful.
Thank you Ann