Nattokinase health benefits

Nattokinase supplementWhere can I buy Nattokinase online?

Where can I buy Nattokinase online is a good question and I have the answer. I’m sure you know that Natto is a soya bean, it is a popular dish in Japan where the incidence of heart disease is 9 times less than in the Western world.

A Japanese scientist was working in his laboratory on a petri dish that contained fibrin, he was eating Natto for lunch when some of the natto fell into the petri dish onto the fibrin.

He was astonished to find that the Natto had dissolving ed the fibrin before his very eyes, from this discovery a product called Nattokinase was produced by adding the bacterium Bacillus natto with boiled soybeans.

Nattokinase is now available to buy from Good health Naturally


Nattokinase has since been found in scientific studies to have potent fibrinolytic properties, that means it can break down fibrinogen.

Fibrogen is a component of a blood clot and arterial plaque high levels of fibrin are a major risk factor for heart disease.

I believe that there is a strong link between elevated levels of fibrin and cardiovascular disease than there is for high cholesterol. Read about Nattokinase and blood clots.

When was Nattokinase first discovered?

Way back in 1980 a Japanese scientist Doctor Hiroyuki Sumi identified how Nattokinase could dissolve blood clots while he was doing some research on conventional drugs for heart disease.

The good doctor actually made the discovery quite by accident as a petri dish holding thrombus ( a blood clot) had Natto accidentally fall into it, to his amazement the blood clot was completely dissolved by the Natto inside 18 hours.

Dr Sumi progressed to completely isolate Nattokinase from Natto and has done further studies on it’s effectiveness.

clinical trials
Photo by Amplitude Magazin on Unsplash

Further clinical trials

Following the natto discovery further clinical trials have been completed and Nattokinase has put forward as a natural enzyme to

  • Reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Dissolve fibrin
  • Remove arterial plaque

Nattokinase has the ability to reduce high blood pressure, this was proven in a study of 73 people with high blood pressure who were given Nattokinase 2,000 FU twice daily or a placebo.

The study took place over an eight week period the people who were given Nattokinase reported a significant drop in blood pressure levels, both systolic and diastolic there was no reduction in the placebo group.

Nattokinase in supplement form

Nattokinase is frequently used in supplement form for cardiovascular disease including heart disease, stroke, angina, high blood pressure, deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins, bad circulation, and peripheral artery disease. Until recently there was only limited research to back up the claims.

Nattokinase studies

In 2018 a study on Nattokinase was published where Nattokinase was given to mice with pulmonary thrombosis the results showed longer life expectancy and the formation of thrombosis was greatly reduced.

In another open label clinical trial patients were given 2,000 FU of Nattokinase for a period of 2 months, results showed significant reductions in fibrogen, factor 7 and factor 8 levels.

Furthermore, after administering 2000 FU Nattokinase orally it was found that after 4 hours blood fibrin or fibrin were significantly degraded.

In a 2017 study two groups of patients were divided one group were given Nattokinase and the other group were given statins. The study was set up to compare Nattokinase with statin drugs in their effectiveness for lowering cholesterol.

Both treatments worked significantly, the reduction in plaque size in the Nattokinase patients was 25.6% higher than the statin group.

Furthermore Nattokinase increased significantly the levels of HDL or high-density protein we know that higher levels of HDL influences lowering levels of LDL or bad cholesterol.

If you are thinking of trying Nattokinase and want to know where can I buy Nattokinase then please visit the website of Good Health Naturally, they will look after you.

How does Nattokinase work?

Studies have shown that Nattokinase can thin the blood much like Aspirin or Warfarin it can also dissolve blood clots protecting the heart and brain from heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular conditions.

Is Nattokinase safe to take?

The scientific trials showed no adverse side effects when nattokinase 2000 FU was taken orally over a period of six months, however we need more trials to establish the long-term use of Nattokinase.

Nattokinase for Inflammation

The nasal passages have one important feature and that is fluidity and elasticity of secretions from the respiratory tract. Issues arise when mucus becomes too thick and viscous, this is a breeding ground for inflammation, polyp forming, blocked airways and difficult breathing.

Studies would indicate that Nattokinase has the potential to dissolve mucus build up effectively reducing the inflammation and polyp formation promoting easier breathing. COPD sufferers would benefit from this enzymes ability to remove lung scarring making breathing easier.

Nattokinase warnings

We don’t have enough information on the safety of Nattokinase in pregnancy, the best advice is not to use it.

If you have a bleeding disorder do not take it because Nattokinase is a blood thinner and may worsen your condition.

If you have low blood pressure do not take it as it seems to lower blood pressure which would be useful if you suffer from high blood pressure.

If you have surgery scheduled and you are taking Nattokinase stop taking it about two weeks before the surgery in case of bleeding or problems with blood pressure.

Medications that slow blood clotting warning

Nattokinase may slow blood clotting so do not take if you are on medications that also slow blood clotting in case of bruising and bleeding, these medications include:

  • Aspirin
  • Plavix
  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen
  • Anaprox
  • Dalteparin (Fragmin)
  • Clopidogrel
  • Diclofenac
  • Heparin
  • Warfarin (Coumadin)
  • Enoxaparin (Lovenox)

Nattokinase Dosage

Each Nattokinase capsule contains 2,000 FU.

Take one capsule twice a day one hour before food.

What does FU stand for?

FU means fibrin units for example 2,000 FU is 2,000 fibrin units meaning a unit of potency in the enzyme that reduces the viscosity (thickness) of blood and reduces its tendency to clot.

Nattokinase ingredients

Nattokinase 2,000 FU derived from soy bean extract

Rutin 25 mg rutin is derived from flavonoid (a plant pigment) found in some fruit & vegetables it can make blood vessels stronger. It has been used to treat varicose veins, haemorrhoids, internal bleeding and to help prevent strokes Rutin may be effective at dissolving arterial clots known to cause heart attacks and stroke.

It may also be helpful for clots in the vein the cause of deep vein thrombosis or a pulmonary embolism.

Nattokinase also contains microcrystalline cellulose, medium chain triglycerides, Hypromellose, water and gellan gum.

Nattokinase contains soy

I hope you are happy with my answer to where do I buy Nattokinase, it is an effective safe natural alternative for heart disease, blood clots, varicose veins and poor circulation. Nattokinase is available to purchase from the people at Good Health Naturally go their website go their website for more information.



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