Blood pressure monitor reviews

High blood pressure indicates that something is making your heart work more, you need to find out the causes of higher blood pressure. This article will help you to decide on what is a good blood pressure monitor, the pros and cons of buying a blood pressure monitor to find out what is the best value blood pressure monitor read my blood pressure monitor review.

What is blood pressure?

Doctors call it hypertension, but most people know it as high blood pressure, if it isn’t controlled high blood pressure can lead to a major heart attack or stroke. By using a blood pressure monitor you can detect high or low blood pressure.

How is blood pressure measured?

It is measured by recording two numbers, the first number is systolic blood pressure meaning the heart muscle is squeezing the blood out and blood pressure is at its highest, the second number is diastolic meaning the blood pressure is at its lowest when the heart isn’t working so hard and it is relaxing.

What is a normal blood pressure level?

Normal blood pressure levels are around 120 systolic over 80 diastolic, higher than that could be a sign of diabetes in the range of 140 over 80, this blood pressure level needs to be discussed with a doctor.

Is blood pressure important?

Normal blood pressure is desirable but elevated levels of blood pressure put you at a greater risk of a heart attack or maybe a stroke, other risks include:

  • Heart failure
  • Poor circulation
  • kidney failure

High blood pressure can lead to a significant number of serious conditions, but it can be kept under control.


More than 50% of people over 45 in the Western world have high blood pressure, roughly four in every five men and two in every three women are not getting treatment for high blood pressure, so it’s a serious issue. A diagnosis of high blood pressure consistently means that it needs to be brought under control. There are many ways to achieve this and we will look at what is best for you.

Signs or causes of high blood pressure?

Often, we find that there is no individual cause for high blood pressure, we know that it runs in a family bit there are other factors. Such as

  • As we age blood pressure increases
  • Excess alcohol
  • Too much salt intake
  • Not getting enough fruit & vegetables
  • Overweight (puts pressure on the heart)
  • Kidney problems
  • Adrenal gland tumors
  • Thyroid issues

You may look well but that doesn’t mean that your blood pressure is normal, you need to have it measured.

What to expect

Before your blood pressure measurement, it is important to know that it will vary with your age and how active you are before the measurement, some people get a little anxious beforehand and this can elevate the measurement but it doesn’t mean that you have high blood pressure, in fact after you calm down a bit the reading may be normal. Doctors usually take more than one blood pressure reading as it fluctuates at different times of the day or night.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is diagnosed after several readings when your systolic is 140 mmHg or above or when your diastolic is 90 mmHg or above, high blood pressure can be treated. If your blood pressure is within these measurements 140 over 90 then you will be monitored for 24 hours using a small device attached to your waist by a belt to a blood pressure cuff on the arm. This will help your doctor to get a larger number of readings before deciding on treatment.

How and when to get your blood pressure checked?

If you are worried about your blood pressure it is a good idea to have it checked regularly at your doctor’s surgery or work or a pharmacy, if the readings are borderline you will need to have it checked more regularly by your doctor or a nurse.

For convenience you could purchase a reputable blood pressure monitor and check your blood pressure more regularly at home, please remember that blood pressure changes quickly so don’t be alarmed if it is high the first time, take it at least three times and do an average.

Best Blood pressure monitor 

If you are looking to purchase a reputable quality blood pressure monitor then look no further than OMRON blood pressure monitors, they are the trusted brand leader to take care of your health, Omron offers a large range of blood pressure models, so it may be difficult for you to decide so this review will help you.


Omron(r) Bp652 7 Series Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor


 by Omron
Cost  $48.81 

This is a convenient easy-to-use wrist monitor with multiple features and great performance.

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As soon as you are in the correct position the monitor inflates, with lots of information on the screen comparing the results to normal blood pressure, it completes three readings in ten minutes, and also detects an irregular heartbeat, it has a storage case.


No multi-user function, not suitable for a large wrist.


Omron Evolv Bluetooth Wireless Upper Arm Omron blood pressure monitors are the #1 recommended brand by doctors and pharmacists for clinically-accurate home blood pressure monitoring, and the #1 selling manufacturer-

By Omron Cost $87.91

If you are looking for a quality monitor then this may be for you, it comes with an app that you can use for even more benefits, suitable for the gym,  traveling, or general at-home use. Excellent monitor at an affordable price.

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It’s quick and accurate, it can do three blood pressure readings in ten minutes, it’s in one design that makes it easier to bring with you, use Bluetooth to connect, also checks for irregular heartbeat, and stores up to one hundred readings.


A small little drawback, if you want to let others use the monitor you have to set up an individual account through the Omron app.

 Best Value



Omron 5 Series Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor with Cuff that fits Standard and Large Arms

 by Omron
Cost $39.99

If you are on a budget and you are looking for a reliable performance then look no further than Omron 5 series, nothing fancy but it gets the job done. 

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Contoured cuffs so it wraps easily around your upper arm, it has a two-piece monitor that shows your heart rate, the memory hold one hundred readings, and it checks you for irregular heartbeats.


Doesn’t have Bluetooth functionality like the Omron 10 series.


Omron HEM-432C Manual Inflation Blood Pressure Monitor

by Omron
Cost $74.99

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If you prefer to inflate the cuff yourself then this is the model for you, it is suitable if you need to control the pressure in the cuff because of delicate skin or a medical condition


It is lightweight and easy to use, it fits upper arms between 9-13 inches in circumference, it has large numbers so the readings are easily readable, and e memory will hold up to 30 readings.


No advanced  functions or multi-user function

No advanced or multi-user functions.

Omron 10 Series Wireless Bluetooth Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor with Two User Modes (200 Reading Memory) – Compatible with Alexa

by Omron
Cost $86.79

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Top-of-the-line Superb BP monitor with feature-rich two-piece monitor, it is Bluetooth compatible allowing for tracking of results to email to your Doctor. Amazingly accurate with all the extra features at an affordable price,

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Brilliant display, easy-to-read indicators with multi-color lights, it takes three blood pressure reading one minute apart and gives you the average, storage for 200 readings, Bluetooth compatible app can switch between two users.


A little bit expensive you won’t be disappointed with the performance, unmatched features, and accuracy.


  1. Antonio


    Thank you for that detailed review on blood pressure monitors, a field that I am well aware of. This is because my mother has blood pressure for 38 years, and  I bought  one Omron  pressure monitor ( the third on the list). I am based in the UK and nowadays most Doctor surgeries in the UK will accept home readings, which they will note on the patience record. One time I had to record two weeks of data, measures 4 times a day.

    Home measurements are more accurate as the patient tends to be more relaxed at home. It was easy to use, once you get the arm band in the correct position and elevation of the arm in relations to the heart. Also the patient has to be still. The problem with the machine is that it does not measure when the pulse is weak or the pressure is low.

    I thank you for the review and would encourage people who have High blood pressure to buy a machine, saves a lot if effort in the long run 



  2. Ben Kuriger

    Very interesting blood pressure device! I love tracking my parameters; I have been itching to purchase the OURA ring for awhile now. I’m not sure if it has the blood pressure feature though. I’ve added this to my list of products that I wish to use to track my own parameters. Thank you so much for this post my friend!

    • fintan duggan

      Thanks for visiting 

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